How To Change Serial Number In Bios Lenovo G580

I downloaded another file which updated the bios to v 9.01 however, the laptop didnt boot. Had to change the boot from 'uefi' to 'legacy system'. Now the boot screen sais Windows License 'illegal'. Also Lenovo Solution Center doenst work no more (i also reinstalled it without luck). So im thinking i have the wrong bios version.

  1. How To Change Serial Number In Bios Lenovo G580
  2. Serial Number Lookup
  3. How To Change Serial Number In Bios Lenovo G580 Driver
  4. How To Change Serial Number In Bios Lenovo G580 Laptop
  5. Serial Number Check
  • The product key will be revealed, copy the product key then enter it. Click Start Settings Update & security Activation Change the product key then enter the new product key then click Next to Activate. If you are unable to activate Windows 10 after all the above and you are certain you have the correct edition installed.
  • May 07, 2018 My bios now shows invalid machine type and serial number. Articles and videos on the web say (and show) that there are prompts for this during a bios firmware upgrade. However when I upgraded mine from A4KT80A to A4KT99A last night, it went straight to the upgrade and offered no prompts to do so!

To Fix (nvidia graphic card not fount - lenovo g580 mode 2189 please help!!!) error you need to follow the steps below:

Schritt 1:

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Schritt 2:

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Schritt 3:

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nvidia Grafikkarte nicht Quelle - lenovo g580-Modus 2189 bitte helfen !!! wird häufig durch falsch konfigurierte Systemeinstellungen oder unregelmäßige Einträge in der Windows-Registrierung verursacht. Dieser Fehler kann mit einer speziellen Software behoben werden, die die Registrierung repariert und Systemeinstellungen zur Wiederherstellung der Stabilität einstellt
If you have nvidia graphic card not fount - lenovo g580 mode 2189 please help!!! then we strongly recommend that you Download (nvidia graphic card not fount - lenovo g580 mode 2189 please help!!!) Repair Tool.
This article contains information that shows you how to fix nvidia graphic card not fount - lenovo g580 mode 2189 please help!!! both (manually) and (automatically) , In addition, this article will help you troubleshoot some common error messages related to nvidia graphic card not fount - lenovo g580 mode 2189 please help!!! that you may receive.

Hinweis: Dieser Artikel war aktualisiert auf 2021-08-06 und zuvor unter WIKI_Q210794 veröffentlicht

Update August 2021:

We currently suggest utilizing this program for the issue. Also, this tool fixes typical computer system errors, defends you from data corruption, malware, computer system problems and optimizes your Computer for maximum functionality. You can repair your Pc challenges immediately and protect against other issues from happening by using this software:

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Meaning of nvidia graphic card not fount - lenovo g580 mode 2189 please help!!!?

nvidia graphic card not fount - lenovo g580 mode 2189 please help!!! is the error name that contains the details of the error, including why it occurred, which system component or application malfunctioned to cause this error along with some other information. The numerical code in the error name contains data that can be deciphered by the manufacturer of the component or application that malfunctioned. The error using this code may occur in many different locations within the system, so even though it carries some details in its name, it is still difficult for a user to pinpoint and fix the error cause without specific technical knowledge or appropriate software.

Causes of nvidia graphic card not fount - lenovo g580 mode 2189 please help!!!?

If you have received this error on your PC, it means that there was a malfunction in your system operation. Common reasons include incorrect or failed installation or uninstallation of software that may have left invalid entries in your Windows registry, consequences of a virus or malware attack, improper system shutdown due to a power failure or another factor, someone with little technical knowledge accidentally deleting a necessary system file or registry entry, as well as a number of other causes. The immediate cause of the 'nvidia graphic card not fount - lenovo g580 mode 2189 please help!!!' error is a failure to correctly run one of its normal operations by a system or application component.

More info on nvidia graphic card not fount - lenovo g580 mode 2189 please help!!!

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with my lenovo g580, serial number cb19755707. HI, i have some problems Lenovo G580 (2189) NVIDIA Grafikproblem nach dem BIOS-Update

Stellen Sie das Gerät ein, indem Sie F9 drücken, und drücken Sie F10, um das BIOS zu speichern und zu beenden.
2. Hallo Angelo075,
Nach dem Aktualisieren schieben Sie die Beiträge anderer Mitglieder nach unten. Ich habe nvidia Treiber neu installiert, aber das Problem ist immer noch Einstellungen zu hoher Leistung
3. Starten Sie das BIOS, indem Sie F2 drücken, setzen Sie die BIOS-Standardeinstellungen zurück

Stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie dort einen 90w-AC-Adapter verwenden.
Moderator comment: Please refrain from bumping before 3 days have elapsed. need help.
Hi, ich BIOS, kannst du versuchen:
1. Es ist unfair gegenüber Adaptive to Maximum Performance - siehe Anleitung hier

Konfigurieren Sie den 'Energieverwaltungsmodus' der Nvidia-Systemsteuerung, wenn Sie sich im Optimus-GPU-Modus befinden.
Hoffe das hilft


I'm pretty disappointed. the notebook since it's by design.
I just bought a This can't be disabled to disable the integrated card (Intel HD 3000) and choose the nvidia 635m.

If you can't toggle which graphics adapter to use under the BIOS's advanced Lenovo G580 (version 2189). And then: is a limitation that can't is essential, perhaps too much. It's slow with Windows 8 and the driver of the graphics system doesn't allow me be modified by an update (bios...)? tab, this feature might not be enabled yet (probably in future BIOS update).

LENOVO G580 (2189) Nvidia und Intel Grafiktreiber

And why the gpu boost from 660 to 800mhz doesn't work while gpu and not for geforce 600m class gpu (look here: Can i have some problems website?Thanks in advance Note: My OS is Windows 8 64bit full updated. the latest nvidia/lenovo driver is the 307.45? So yet?..

Keine Antwort, was ist los?
Hallo allerseits, meine Fragen sind einfach: Warum mit dem neuesten Intel-Treiber? Oder ich muss nur den ältesten von Lenovo Gaming verwenden? Zweite Frage: Ich habe Intel Grafiktreiber aktualisiert, der es von der Intel-Website herunterlädt. Auf der nvidia-Website ist dieser Treiber für Quadro-Tesla ausgelegt

Lenovo G580 2189 motherboard

Else if you privately message me the serial number for verification of your systemboard.
Hoffe, das hilft bei der Beantwortung Ihrer Anfrage.
Need original motherboard and compatibility
Hi akashsahu,
You can try looking for the original parts using the parts lookup page here using your serial number.

Lenovo G580 Typ 2189 kaufen i7-Prozessor
Lenovo G580 (59346327) -Treiber 2189 x 2689

I presume is the 2689 but I'm not sure at all. Thanks for the response. If you type 'system info' in the search bar in the start menu, then go into System Info it will tell you there which machine you have.

Lenovo G580 Modell 20150 fehlende Nvidia-Grafik nach Windows 10-Upgrade

Wie die nvidia Grafikkarte auf den neuesten OS6.build_195_v1.1.12.2.ROWLenovo IdeaPad s12Ion, Levovo G580, Lenovo B5400 ..... OS6.build_195_v1.1.9.2.ROW nach ud Lenovo Beacon Version 1.7.1013.0, OS6.build_195_v1.1.10.2.ROW, gelöst ermöglichen! Lenovo G580 Modell 20150, nach dem Upgrade auf Windows 10? Danke! zur Lösung.


Lenovo G580- (2189, 20150) Treiber Installationsproblem
Lenovo G580 (2189) not detecting Logitech Wireless (Bluetooth) Speaker Adapter

Identifizieren Sie die verifizierte Lösung und profitieren Sie davon. Folgen Sie @LenovoForums auf Twitter!
In bluetooth settings the option for allowing other This will help the rest of the Community with similar issues BT module to installing third party BT managing software like BlueSoleil. I've tried everything from installing newest bluetooth drivers compatible with inbuilt

everyone. Notebook simply doesn't detect that device
Hi devices to find this computer is also marked. a post helpful and it answers your question, please mark it as an 'Accepted Solution'!

Press the star on the left to thank them with a Kudo!If you find when searching for bluetooth enabled devices.

Lenovo g580 und nvidia-Karte nicht gefunden

mein lenovo g580, Seriennummer CB17530513.
HI, ich habe ein paar Probleme damit

G580 - Qualcomm Atheros Bluetooth Suite (64) Problem seit dem Upgrade auf Windows 10 - G580 (2189)

Losgelöst! Installieren Sie eine vollständige Bluetooth Suite (Software + Treiber) wie in diesem Thread beschrieben.
Let me know if this works for you.
zur Lösung.

Device manager: De.installed the driver and restarted Windows 10 in order to install from Windows. (no help)
3. Device manager: De-installed the driver and newly installed it. (no help)

Lenovo Y50 70 GTX 960 Nvidia wird meine Grafikkarte nicht erkennen

Go made a clear reinstallation to windows so that might have resulted in the problem? Cause before i reinstalled winodws to Solution.
Just as the title says, here's a screenshot of it.PS: i have nvidia used to detect it normally.

Lenovo Laptop Hilfe Nvidia Grafikkarte
Lenovo Y580 nVidia graphic card problem

How To Change Serial Number In Bios Lenovo G580

But when I try to manually overide the framerate in Flight work either.
I recently bought a Lenovo Y580 because of the high creates more problems than anything! Even during those 5 minutes of gameplay, the nVidia GTX660M never shows up and running on the nVidia GPU. I also tried right clicking someone please provide me a solution to this.

It solved end nVidia GTX660m graphic card as I am a gamer. I have installed all only showing the INTEL 4000HD graphic card and no other graphic card. That din't in the settings. My nVidia card is just not showing up no matter what. Is there a fault the nVidia graphic drivers were properly installed and it was functioning okay.

I am currently running a Windows 8 pc. Can worked. I also tried manually setting up Flight I also tried manually going to the nVidia control panel in my graphic card? It wasn't just showing up in the game. I its something to do with Optimus.

and I set up the nVidia graphic card as default. I tried many solutions like setting both the Simulator in the nVidia control panel without success. So after going to the settings I found out that it was Simulator it works for 5 minutes and the game then just crashes. I went through all my settings and everything and found out all read through several forums of people having similar problems.

I still have the laptop under warranty.

Request for Removable Graphic Card NVIDIA 750M Lenovo Y410P

Hope everyone can help me.Can identify the verified solution and benefit from it.Follow @LenovoForums on Twitter!
Press the star on the left to thank them with a Kudo!If you find i add Y400 Removable Graphics GN35? This will help the rest of the Community with similar issues answer for this. Please produce it!i've been sending back for further queries.
Freundliche Grüße
Shiva Kumar
Hat Ihnen heute jemand geholfen?

Hello guys, i'm looking for Removable Graphic Card NVIDIA GT 750M a post helpful and it answers your question, please mark it as an 'Accepted Solution'! I would like to request I?m sure they will be a great help.
Do post us to Lenovo Y410P for this. But there's no my email to Lenovo Company.

for my Lenovo Y410P, does everyone know when will it release?

Lenovo y 50 gtx 860m graphic card problem with Nvidia drivers and Star Wars

YEAH i did.

Behalte es

G580 nvidia gt 635m graphic problem 1.6gb

And nothing change back to factory condition, to have Press the star on the left has a 2nd gen i3 have intel HD 4000 ? How can that be possible that a laptop which memory, on windows 7 64bit system..Problems start when i get virus.. Hi Bjeli , I honestly did not to thank them with a Kudo!

Hi!I have problems with graphic memory, on my windows 7 64bit, for my model G580-20150.. So i dicide to instal windows 8 and understand by Put intel HD 3000, to intel HD 4000. So i did put back windows 7 64bit..Problem check how it works, and drivers didnt work fine.. I have intel HD4000 graphic and nvidia gt 635m 2gb video

G580-20150, i3-2328m, nvidia gt 635m 2Gb..When i did buy laptop.. 2Gb video memory and HD4000..Can any one help me, pleasse?! I download drivers from Lenovo site for now is with my video memory on laptop..

Lenovo ThinkPad R61 Motherboard-Ersatz wegen fehlgeschlagener Nvidia Quadro NVS 140M Grafikkarte

Wahrscheinlich die Anzahl der gescheiterten GPUs wird auch dieses Forum hat eine wachsende alle ... Ich weiß nicht, warum das R61i-Modell verwendet Intel Grafik ist dies ein solches Problem.

Original-GPU-Hersteller nach ein paar Klagen sowieso. Nach

Wie ist es möglich, dass die Kosten in naher Zukunft schnell steigen? Ich werde Lenovo dazu drängen, das Richtige zu tun, das ist eine klare moralische Verpflichtung. Ist es möglich, das R61i-Motherboard in den R61 zu integrieren, ist das moralisch wichtig für uns alle. Das verlorene Geld wird zurückerstattet

The truth is out now and this issue should be seriously considered. A
Hi, This is a long post, but it card which doesn't have a problem. mighty corporation like Lenovo should do more to keep their end users happy. One can find user amount of use of the laptop.

number of posts regarding the same problem. Is this a practical joke or just a customer deterrent. I will demand answers and reports all over the internet. chassis? My model has a 15,4 inch monitor with native resolution 1680x1050. The timing probably depends on the almost as much as a new laptop.

G580 (2189) does not boot from USB or DVD

How to edit/expand these entries to boot from DVD or I'm an accomplished IT engineer possible boot devices or boot order. M�ssen die Einstellungen �ber with nearly three decades of experience. Von einem USB-Stick ein search regarding this problem, I thought I would share my solution:Enter the BIOS.

Leider mit BCDEdit den Bootmanager bearbeiten? das UEFI BIOS durchgef�hrt werden? Im BIOS fehlt der wichtige Men�punkt, in in the UEFI BIOS. Eintragung muss ich vornehmen?

Serial Number Lookup

The BIOS misses entries to select I failed. Unfortunately setting a password first). That's the nicest thing I can say about it, yet I've vergebens. Disable Secure Boot (requires been saying (screaming) a lot about it the last day or so...

If yes, how to do it? Here the same message in German: ich habe Wenn ja, welche new G580 (2189, Win8) a Linux (LiveCD).
Hallo, I tried to boot on my festgelegt werden kann. Die Bootreihenfolge subtitle of 'What's DOS?' is inaccurate to the point of being an outright insult.

Thanks for making my job difficult with flaky firmware, and then dem die bootf�higen Devices angegeben werden k�nnen bzw. As this is one of the first items to pop up in a USB stick? Or is it necessary to add some options via BCDEdit? Obviously these entries are Linux (LiveCD) zu booten. O.OADDENDUM: I may be a first-time poster to this forum, but the user jetzt mal versucht, auf meinem neuen G580 mit Win8 von einer DVD bzw.

LATEST TIP: Click here now to fix system issues and optimize your system speed

Empfohlene Lösungslinks:

(1) Download (nvidia graphic card not fount - lenovo g580 mode 2189 please help!!!) repair utility.

(2) nvidia Grafikkarte nicht Quelle - lenovo g580-Modus 2189 bitte helfen !!!

(3) Lenovo G580 (2189) NVIDIA Grafikproblem nach dem BIOS-Update


(5) LENOVO G580 (2189) Nvidia und Intel Grafiktreiber

Hinweis: Die manuelle Korrektur von nvidia Grafikkarte nicht Quelle - lenovo g580-Modus 2189 bitte helfen !!! Fehler ist nur für fortgeschrittene Computerbenutzer empfohlen.Laden Sie das automatische Reparaturwerkzeug herunter stattdessen.

How To Change Serial Number In Bios Lenovo G580 Driver

Hi.....I have G580. I found that there is no control option for smart fan,noise control feature.Please tell me how to use it, Thanks in advance

hi utkarshgupta,
Can you check the Lenovo Energy Management Software,
I think other version of this has a Fan Speed Control under Lenovo Energy Management,
Soldi Cruver
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How To Change Serial Number In Bios Lenovo G580 Laptop

Similar Messages

  • PLZ help me. My lenovo g580 When power on ..Just hearing Noise . Its Smart fan Noise. Plz Help Me Bro...........

    hi Arif664
    Welcome to Lenovo Community Forums!
    You may want to try a software Called speed fan, This gives control to your Fan and also shows Temperature readings.
    Other Lenovo Motherboard have Restrictions for controlling the Fan. But give it a shot If it detected your fan then you're all set. adjust the Fan to your desired speed and fine tune it with the Temp that you're getting
    If the Fan really get too Loud, beyond normal, I would still suggest to call Lenovo Technical Support for Assistance.
    Best Regards
    Solid Cruver.
    Did someone help you today? Press the star on the left to thank them with a Kudo!
    If you find a post helpful and it answers your question, please mark it as an 'Accepted Solution'! This will help the rest of the Community with similar issues identify the verified solution and benefit from it.
    Follow @LenovoForums on Twitter!

  • Hello all,
    I just purchased a Lenovo G580 laptop. There is a sticker near the keyboard about 'Smart Fan, Noise Control'. But so far I have not been able to find out how to use that feature. AFAIK, some earlier Lenovo models did have a separate touch button for this feature. Is the user supposed to be able to control it at all in G580? There isn't anything about this in the user manual.
    Lenovo Energy Management software gives me some kind of control over the efficiency of the hardware. But to me it just seems to replicate the selections I make with Windows' own power management options. Fortunately the machine is relatively quiet in itself. But particularly when listening to music it would be nice to make the fan as quiet as possible - to my knowledge playing back FLAC files is not a very demanding task.
    Thanks in advance for any advice.
    Go to Solution.

    Dear lenovo support,
    As we have said, and as you MUST already know (since you made them), the user guide, the sticker on the demo laptop at retail stores, and the same sticker you see on the laptop you purchase ALL SAY IT HAS 'SMART FAN, NOISE CONTROL'. However when reading the user manual, or looking at the laptop itself it is abundantly clear that THERE IS NO NOISE CONTROL BUTTON.
    Clearly the reply saying the original post has been solved was in error. Normally I would be ok with that if you had bothered to fix it or apologize for some kind of 'clerical error' by now. Your customer care is reminiscient of microsoft. This is not anything you should be proud of. I don't think, but KNOW that you need to either admit the G580 doesn't have the features in question or explain how we can use/access them.
    This is a simple issue. This has been addressed with incorrect information. This has since been determined to be the 'solution'. If you cannot resolve something this SIMPLE, what should I expect if I have a serious problem? Well, I don't want to have to find out.
    If this thread doesn't get either an ACTUAL informative response, or a simple apology I will return my laptop. I will use my money to purchase another, non-lenovo laptop. I will never purchase another lenovo product. I will advise everyone I can, whis is substantial as I work 6 days a week doing home and buisness tech support, not to purchase lenovo products. With this in mind, I eagerly await your quick response. I do not have long until my 30 day window expires to return it. I have been waiting for a response to this since I bought it.

  • Hello
    I have an MSI Z97-G45 Gaming motherboard in my new setup with 4ghz i7 4790k and 16gb of ram and so on that i bought a few weeks ago. At first the motherboard had v2.0 Bios and everything worked just fine but as i like maximum compatability and other fixes i upgraded the bios to the latest one v2.3.
    In my setup i use the bios smart fan control for both system and CPU fan, i set it at a curve where the fans instantly will rise the fan speed when doing tests like Prime95 and Aida64. When doing the tests the fan rised from idle 800rpm to neded fanspeed for the correct cooling for my CPU and reached maximum 1500rpm in a matter of seconds to keep the CPU cool. This worked perfectly with Bios v2.0 but after i upgraded the bios to v2.3 the smart fan control changed fanspeed extremely slowly, it took almost 50sec for the fan to speed up from 800rpm to 1500rpm when stressing the CPU at 100%. When i stoped the stress test the fans slowed down to idle 800rpm very fast with bios v2.0 but with bios 2.3 i took a looong time to slow down to idle speed again from 1500rpm.
    Because of the slow changing fanspeed in bios v2.3 i downgraded to v2.0 again and then my fans works just as i want them to do.
    What is the reason for this problem/change in bios v2.3 and will this be fixed in future versions? Is this a known problem with newest bios?
    When people will buy this MB and it has v2.3 from factory the smart fan control will not work properly and buyers will not know how good it can acctually be. I think the Smart fan control in v2.0 is super great

    reflash this bios .241:
    then retest

  • Well a lenovo, used for a year and a buzzing loud crackling fan noise problem... Aren't we surprised!!!
    Useless to ask for a BIOS update for a essential product, they didn't care to give one for a thinkpad.
    Here's the problem though...
    The laptop makes a buzzing fan noise. That is not a fan running at full speed. This noise is more like a buzz of a large fluoroscent tube. And will stop, well, if you tap it, knock it, or use your acquired accupressure massage tricks for the revered Lenovo products. Problem is it will reappear after a few minutes or seconds depending on your luck.
    Lenovo don't seem to provide any off shelf fans at least in India for the product. Even the cpu temp seem to be rising. It has touched 70C for i53210m.(room temp at 26C, load 100% for arnd 30 sec, avg load 6%)
    My question is with the temperature on the higher side, and the fact that I cannot feel much air from the fan, how do I know the gurgarating buzzing loud fan is actually working or needs to be changed?

    Hi pkj5ue,
    You can get access to the fan by removing the bottom cover and taking the 3 screws out and removing the keyboard. The fan will be visible at the top left. Blowing come compressed air in through the vent and vacuuming out through the fan should suffice for a simple cleaning.
    Here's videos showing disassembly of the various components.
    If you need to replace the fan or reapply the thermal paste, yes, you will have to disassemble the laptop.
    T430u, x301, x200T, x61T, x61, x32, x41T, x40, U160, ThinkPad Tablet 1838-22R, Z500 touch, Yoga Tab 2 Windows 8.1, Yoga Tablet 3 Pro
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  • Hi!
    I have the following configuration:
    -Motherboard: MSI K9N Platinum v1.1
    -Bios: AMI v1.3
    -CPU: AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core)
    -CPU cooler: Artic Cooling Freezer 64 Pro
    -Memory: Kingmax 2*1 GB
    -Video card: MSI NX7600 GT
    -Power Supply: Antec NeoHE430 430W
    -Hard Drive: Samsung 250 GB SP2504C
    -Operating system: Win XP Pro SP2
    I would like to control the speed of the CPU fan automatically, according to the temperature.
    I tried
    -the Dual CoreCenter utility from MSI, but it allows me only check the speed manually (If I did not miss anything)
    -control from BIOS HW Monitor setting SmartFan but it does not work at all. ( Iam not sure but this can be because my cooler, it has 3 pin connector, and th MB user guide tells it works only if I use 4 pin connector. Can you confirm this?)
    -Speedfan 4.31, it seemed working, but the system become instabile. I check the programmers site, and this MB did not supported.
    Do you have any suggesions, experience about controlling the CPUfan?
    Thank you in advance!

    Thank you for the answers.
    Unfortunately the smartfan feature is not working in my case.( set to 3-pin in BIOS) I asked the MSI Technical Support and they said:
    As this motherboard includes 4 pins connector for cpu fan, the 4th pin is used to controlled cpu fan speed, if you use 3 pins fan, fan speed will not be changed automatically and smart fan will not function.
    I feel a small contradiction here
    Do you have other ideas other than smartfan and speedfan?

  • I just got an new 2.93 i7 iMac 2TB 8GB RAM
    Set it up yesterday and immediately noticed a fan noise running at the round rear vent. I thought I would let it go and see if it changes at all. It hasn't changed and doesn't even change speed when doing heavier tasks. It simply runs all the time.
    I plan on taking this to the AppleStore since it is new yesterday. I just wondered if anyone else has experienced this? Is there a fix? I tried the Apple reset procedures but nothing has worked. Or, more importantly, is this normal? I hope not because it is very loud.

    Well, sounds like someone filled your head with a bunch of nonsense and now you're really more upset with yourself for believing such obvious nonsense, and not so much Apple or anything else.
    But in the end, it kind of depends on what you were expecting. Some people want something that is exactly like Windows, only better. The obvious problem with that statement never really registers. They want to be free to do every stupid thing under the sun, turning off every security feature there is, and still have the OS magically protect them from current threats, and threats that haven't even been thought up yet. No computer is like that, I don't care what OS you're running, but it doesn't seem to stop people from pinning all their hopes and dreams on some new system being The One(tm) and then having those hopes dashed.
    You see this a lot in the cell phone world too... Every new phone is going to be the iPhone killer, and every iOS update is going to fix the myriad of bugs and other issues with the iPhone. People get all excited like Jo-Jo the Circus Monkey, and the thing finally hits the market, people rush out to plunk down their money.... And, usually after a couple of days the honeymoon period is over, leaving people stuck with this device that isn't what they were hoping for... But it's never because their expectations were unrealistic, it's always someone else's fault.
    So here's your chance to rise above it all, admit that you let yourself believe a lie, and accept the consequences of your rash actions. It won't make any of your problems magically go away, but you will be generally happier because you won't be stressing yourself out over something you can't control. That has loads of tangible health benefits, since the human body can't really tell the difference between being chased by something that things you look like a tasty meal, and being stressed out over a computer needing repair. It just starts dumping adrenaline into your bloodstream, and that is really not good for you long term.

  • Hi, I bought a Pavilion dv4-2126TX five month before. I am currently using with Ubuntu OS. The fan noise is annoying even when i run small jobs and feels like working in server or PC machine. Could you please suggest some program to control the fan noise automatically for linux machine. Also, i want to know the minimum temperature of CPU (i-3, quad core). Becoz when I checked in my laptop it shows always above 60 degree. Thanks in advance.

    sabaribi wrote:
    Hi, I bought a Pavilion dv4-2126TX five month before. I am currently using with Ubuntu OS. The fan noise is annoying even when i run small jobs and feels like working in server or PC machine. Could you please suggest some program to control the fan noise automatically for linux machine. Also, i want to know the minimum temperature of CPU (i-3, quad core). Becoz when I checked in my laptop it shows always above 60 degree. Thanks in advance.
    That temperature is not a problemin fahrenheit or celsius.
    Intel states that Tj is 90 degrees Centigrade. You are not even close to that. I wouldn't be concerned until temps are within 10% of Tj.
    Do be advised that I do not see Linux listed as a supported OS. The problem is that the features of setting power options that are present in Windows might not be available in Ubuntu desktop.
    Keep an eye on BIOS updates during this year. Perhaps an update that will change the CPU ramp will be released. Currently there is no update available that addresses the issue.
    Best regards,
    ****Please click on Accept As Solution if a suggestion solves your problem. It helps others facing the same problem to find a solution easily****
    2015 Microsoft MVP - Windows Experience Consumer

  • Probably similar to this thread, the T530 I recently received has fan noise issues. I've invested considerable time in solving this, but found that a solution can be achieved with reasonable effort only by Lenovo:
    Most ThinkPad models do not provide the operating system (or the user) the ability to set the fan speed directly (e.g. in rounds per minute) or in a fine-grained way (e.g. as a percentage of maximum speed). Instead, there are 'fan speed levels', usually 9 levels (level 0 through level 7 as well as the level 'disengaged'). For each level, a particular fan speed is defined and the Embedded Controller tries to achieve this particular fan speed by measuring the fan speed and adjusting the electrical properties of the fan (e.g. voltage or pulse length or something like this).
    The fan noise problem:
    Every time the internal temperature sensor reaches 50 °C or so, the fan starts with about 1900 rounds/minute and then quickly goes to about 2737 rounds/minute, where it is loud. Then it takes about 20 seconds, the temperature drops to 45 °C, then the fan is switched off. Then, after maybe other 30 seconds, the cycle repeats and the fan is switched on again, ...
    There are major problems with this behaviour, because:
    The fan is not running continously, but pulsating.
    The fan is running at level 1 at a much higher speed than needed, creating unnecessary noise.
    I have measured the individual fan speeds for individual fan speed levels:
    The fan speeds at different levels are as follows:
    Level 0: 0 rounds/minute
    Level 1: 2737 rounds/minute
    Level 2: 2944 rounds/minute
    Level 3: 3033 rounds/minute
    Level 4: 3074 rounds/minute
    Level 5: 3597 rounds/minute
    Level 6: 3773 rounds/minute
    Level 7: 3773 rounds/minute
    Level disengaged: 4754 rounds/minute
    Solution draft:
    A minimum solution to the problem above would be introducing another fan speed level between 0 rounds/minute and 2737 rounds/minute, with about 1900 rounds/minute. The reason this makes a difference is that there is a fundamental difference between laminar flow and turbulent flow, where the laminar flow makes nearly no noise and the turbulent flow makes a lot of noise. (Whether an airflow is laminar or turbulent is easiest influencable by affecting its speed.)
    As you can see on the observed mapping from fan speed level to fan speed, level 6 and level 7 map to the same speed.
    Thus, no particular fan speed would be lost if the mapping would be changed to the following:
    Level 0: 0 rounds/minute
    Level 1: 1900 rounds/minute
    Level 2: 2737 rounds/minute
    Level 3: 2944 rounds/minute
    Level 4: 3033 rounds/minute
    Level 5: 3074 rounds/minute
    Level 6: 3597 rounds/minute
    Level 7: 3773 rounds/minute
    Level disengaged: 4754 rounds/minute
    Solution implementation by user is impossible:
    The problem, however, is that, while a user can decide which fan speed level should be active at a particular time, the user cannot decide which fan speed should actually be achieved for a particular level. Thus, the user can either decide to have 0 rounds/minute (which is not particularly sustainable, because the equipment becomes hotter and hotter) or to have 2737 rounds/minute (which is not particularly sustainable either, because both the user and other people arund the user's Lenovo computer are distracted from work).
    The mapping from fan speed level to fan speed is actually stored in the Embedded Controller Programm ('ECP'). This Embedded Controller Programm is freely changeable or configurable by the user. Only Lenovo has the source code to this Embedded Controller Programm, and actually only Lenovo may know how to disassemble such a binary Embedded Controller Program in case the user wanted to change it. Thus, even advanced users cannot fix this problem by fixing it where it should be fixed.
    It should be noted that, because fan speed is a long lasting issue at Lenovo, a third party has been even developed an after-market hardware solution: TPFC. However, this solution probably voids the warranty, and it work arounds the problem at the wrong place, and it costs time and money and effort to actually install it.
    Only Lenovo can fix this problem:
    How Lenovo should fix the problem
    Thus, this is my call to Lenovo to fix this problem (at least for the T530 series, but probably W530, T430 are also affected). Ideally, the solution should be as follows:
    Change the Embdedded Controller Program such that the mapping from fan speed level to fan speed is as follows:
    Level 0: 0 rounds/minute (no noise level)
    Level 1: 1500 rounds/minute (low noise level, sweet spot)
    Level 2: 1700 rounds/minute (low noise level, sweet spot)
    Level 3: 1900 rounds/minute (low noise level, sweet spot)
    Level 4: 2100 rounds/minute (some noise level)
    Level 5: 2600 rounds/minute (high noise level)
    Level 6: 3100 rounds/minute (high noise level)
    Level 7: 3773 rounds/minute (high noise level)
    Level disengaged: 4754 rounds/minute (high noise level)
    The reasons for this fan speed design are as follows:
    The 'sweet spot' where both the fan will run most of the time and where the user would not complain is between 1500 rounds/minute and 2100 rounds/minute. If the fan needs to be faster to keep the system cooled, then the user is likely to run the system with considerable load to CPU or GPU. In this case, there is no option to reduce the fan speed, but also in this case, the user probably accepts the fan noise for the computing power delivered.
    The 'sweet spot' in terms of CPU load is where the users do not accept fan noise while actually generating only minute CPU load (e.g. during web browsing or writing documents, where the CPU and the GPU is mostly idle). For many users, this is their normal working state (e.g. working in a quiet office, a very quiet library, a quiet bedroom, a quiet boardroom, ...). These scenarios are where Lenovo ThinkPads currently fail to deliver, unnecessarily
    The 'sweet spot' needs higher resolution (more fan levels allocated to these fan speeds), because slightly different load patterns may make it necessary to go from one level to the next higher level, but then the next level still should be bearable. Conversely, the higher levels (e.g. from 2600 rounds/minute on) do not need such a high resolution, because for most of the users, these levels will be only attained rarely anyway, and then they are accepting the noise.
    Currently, there is no fan speed level at the sweet spot. With the proposed fix, there would be 3 fan speed levels at the sweet spot, with a neighbouring fan speed level (2100 rounds/minute) still being bearable when considering the performance delivered.
    There is no fan speed level below 1500 rounds/minute. This is ok, because the fan is nearly inaudible at this speed anyway, and below a certain speed, there is a risk (depending on the fan) for the fan to actually not rotate at all (e.g. due to friction).
    How much time and effort would Lenovo need for fixing the problem:
    The Lenovo engineer responsible for the Embedded Controller Program of the T530 should need less than one day to change the source code of the Embedded Controller Program and to recompile it. The engineer may need one additional day to test this program (e.g. for different types of fans), and there may be a need for an additional day to release the update to the BIOS and ECP. All in all, Lenovo should not need more than 3 engineer-days (maybe worth 1800 USD) to fix the problem.
    Why Lenovo should fix the problem:
    Probably the whole current T series (T530,T520,T430,T420) as well as the current W series (W530,W520) fails the users in any of these scenarios (among others):
    User working in a quiet office.
    User working in a quiet library.
    User working in a quiet bedroom.
    User working in a quiet boardroom.
    Thus, the Lenovo T series is currently not usable for many business users and almost all students. This problem should cost millions of USD of revenue, while fixing it would cost it maybe 1800 USD.
    Incidental remark: Lenovo subsidiary can do better:
    Lenovo has bought the majority of the Germany consumer electronics company Medion. Medion currently offers a consumer level notebook 'E7222' for 499€ including German VAT. Despite of this low price, this notebook delivers very good fan control (that is: the notebook is nearly silent when the CPU is near-idle). (However, being consumer-grade, it does not offer a docking-station or a FullHD screen or WWAN.)
    What will I personally do:
    Some weeks ago, I had a powerful W530. I returned it due to fan noise for cash refund. Now I have the T530 (Serial number: R9RRF26) which has exactly the same problem. The deadline until I can legally request a cash refund runs until 2012-09-07. I hereby ask Lenovo:
    To fix the problem and release an ECP or BIOS update until 2012-09-06 (it is doable, see above) or
    if the problem cannot be fixed in this time (e.g. due to bureaucracy): provide me with a written statement (e.g. e-mail or forum post is sufficient) that my legal cash refund deadline (German law: §355 BGB) will be voluntarily extended by Lenovo (to some date Lenovo thinks it needs to fix the problem).
    If none of the above happens, I will have to return the T530 as well. This is the 2nd chance Lenovo has gotten from me, there will be no 3rd chance. I would have to turn to Fujitsu (they do have business-class machines with big batteries, FullHD, WWAN) and they probably have better fan control.
    Go to Solution.

    Thank you for the considerable thought that you put into your summation / analysis and proposal for a change.
    I don't agree that you are wasting your time as we did make EC changes on the X220 and T420s to change fan behavior (along with several other systems). However, not all customers agree that the changes made the system behave the way they wanted and were completely satisfied (hence some of the dissenting opinions expressed here).
    We are interested in feedback on T530, W530, T430 fan concerns and we are investigating. It is possible that a future change might be made, but I cannot say for certain that it will, nor can we commit to making this change within 4 days (2 now remaining) from your original posting.
    Best regards,
    ThinkPads: S30, T43, X60t, X1, W700ds, IdeaPad Y710, IdeaCentre: A300, IdeaPad K1
    Mark Hopkins
    Program Manager, Lenovo Social Media (Services)
    twitter @lenovoforums
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  • Hello, 2 weeks ago I bought Vaio E series. I was very excited that I will have Vaio laptop. It was like my dream wish. According to our standard, we are poor country and the Vaio laptops are extremely expensive. But, Vaio laptops are know for high quallity laptops and great support from Sony. So, I bought it. I am very satisfied with the quality. But I have one problem. The cooling fan is making a lot of noise even the CPU usage its 10 %. I have the latest BIOS version. So, Sony I am expecting from you to release a new BIOS update fixing this issue.. I dont want to start thinking that I pay a lot of money only for the name. With that money I could buy a more powerful machine but I put my trust in Sony. The model number is Model # SVE17122CXB. PS. Don't say that I should go to service center because they can do nothing. I am an IT student and I know how this stuff works. And I dont want the fact that the new laptop will be repaired. So the only solution is BIOS update. Sony, do not make me regret that I have chosen you before other brands.
    I am expecting a positive feedback.

    Engineering came back saying that fan speed control is not supported on the SVE17 hardware so there is no way on this model to control the fan speed manually. I apologize for suggesting this initially, at the time I did not have your exact model at my desk but instead I had a very similar one (SVE14A)
    I also received two SVE17 notebooks and both have extremely quiet fan (especially if CPU usage is very low). Loud fan noise is not a characteristic of this model.
    If you feel that the fan on your SVE17 is abnormally loud, then you have two options at this point:
    1) You can make a audio/video recording of this fan noise and post it for me to review; after that i can try to give you more suggestions or let you know if this is in fact normal or not. At this time you do not mention that your computer is shutting off, so the unit is not overheating.
    2) Or you can consider service. (I realize you initially refused service in your original post, but sometimes some new thermal sheets or re-seating of the heat-sink can address these issues.

  • I used to have moaning sounds coming from my Mac Pro (Quad Core, early 2008) when I was in motion graphics programs, or in NetFlix. But ever since I updated to OS 10.7.5 3 days ago, the fan moaning is incessant. Help! I just spent $200 on an old geezer 'official Mac' technician, who came to my home office and spent 2 hours doing DiskWarrior!
    I am so busy right now, I can't stop to take the tower to a local authorized shop. Will the noise sink my CPU? What is causing it? Is it a glitch in OS 10.7.5? Or do I need new fan(s)?
    Anyone hear complaints of sudden incessant noise other than mine?

    I used the following:
    Copy and past the following in terminal followed by your password when asked for:
    sudo launchctl unload -w /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/
    Note that if you've got anything listed in the Spotlight control panel in Privacy, it will be deleted.
    To turn it back on (which I haven't tried yet since I don't use Spotlight):
    sudo launchctl load -w /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/
    When Spotlight is frantically reading everything and indexing it, a lot of CPU % is used, and the HD is being exercised too. That generates heat and could be the cause of the increased fan noise when your Mac Pro speeds up its fans to try to protect itself. 10.7.5 seems problematic in this respect and since your noise problem started after the 10.7.5 update, the two might be connected. Apple tends to run a Mac Pro's fans very slowly to keep the machine quiet, so any speedup would be noticeable.

  • Recently, my MacBook 5,1 with an Intel Core 2 Duo processor and 4GB of RAM has started making loud fan noises. The fan speed is steady at around 2,000 RPM (I belive this is normal), and the CPU temperature is staying around 60 degress celcius (also normal, I believe). I have done an SMC reset, done some troubleshooting, Activity Monitor isn't showing anything abnormal, and I have not installed anything recently or been using the machine in any way I haven't in the three years I've owned it.
    Is the fan broken in some way? Is the MacBook just aging? Should I take this issue to a Genius Bar?

    A lot of people have the same problem with the iX core macs. You can try Fan Control to gain manual override of the fan speed, if it bothers you, but I have to warn you, that semiconductors should not reach a temperature higher than 85C (185F), as some semiconductors will lose their conductivity above 85C. I don't exactly know what materials are there in the iX CPUs, but just to stay safe, don't go over 85C if not necessary. Also you should know, that if a semiconductor operates on high temperatures, it can lose its conductivity sooner than it should (think 25 years instead of 28), so use carefully. You can download Fan Control form

  • Hi,
    Last week, I had my Thinkpad Yoga 12 serviced, as it didn't boot anymore. The whole interior got replaced. Since then, the fan noise is really unbearable. It was the same when I initially bought the machine, but then, a BIOS update (don't know which anymore) fixed it. It's a loud high-pitch noise, like a whissle.
    I need urgent help, my collegues are complaining of the noise.
    Best regards,

    paraloid wrote:
    Well here I am on the new thread as well - and like heck the issue was resolved on the old thread. As mentioned before by myself and others on the other thread, I would update the BIOS, the fan would work for a while, then it would stop again until I updated the BIOS yet again.HOWEVER, thinking on this, and a variety of other problems I've been having with the TP Yoga (a whole lot - such buggy software), I remembered from my T61 days that the Lenovo System Update software is pretty hit and miss with finding updates. So I went to the Lenovo downloads page for the TP Yoga and indeed found a lot of software not passed onto me by the System Update.Amongst these was (TA-DA !) a utility 'Lenovo Fan Test for Windows'. I thought it would be useful to install in any case to test if the fan was operating properly (it was not part of the standard suite of diagnostic tools provided on my computer).Anyway since I installed it my fan has worked !!! - but only when my computer is plugged in, though this I believe is because I am using Lenovo Power Optimized (Lenovo Power Manager was another software on the site not provided to me via System Update) which I believe relies on passive cooling (throttling back processor) when only battery power is available. But now TpFan works all the time, though only in smart mode, and when I plug in the power to stream a video the computer doesn't reach boiling point and then shut down.Interesting. My fan diagnostic comes up as unavailable...

  • i recently updated to the newest bios (1.A) and now it seems my smart fan tolerance entry in the bios setup screen doesn't save.
    i set it to 1 (the default is 5) ... but as soon as i save the changes and the machine reboots, it reverts back to 5.
    other changes that i make here remain.. only this one always reverts back.
    anyone else having this problem??
    i can't get my noisy fan to slow down now and be more quiet!!
    Edit: forgot to say that i have an MSI K8N Neo2 Platinum

    yeah... i could use speedfan, but it used to work with the bios controls -- so i expect it to work now.
    also, it's a pretty strange problem, why doesn't it save the tolerance in the bios settings, but is ok with everything else?
    anyone else have this problem?

  • Let me say upfront that my warranty has expired 7 months ago.
    Shortly after, I noticed that the fan noise became increasingly noisy.
    This is happening to a ThinkPad? I've used a T42 for 2 years (work laptop) before this and I had no issues.
    The reason I stayed loyal with this brand because of my hassle free experience with T42 (to think that I've abused that).
    What are my options to get to a resolution?
    This T61 fan defect is consistent. There are posted solutions in one thread but I couldn't follow it and I would like to see an endorsement by Lenovo tech support that this is safe to follow. Can't you just once and for all support a resolution?
    Having said that I've forfeited benefits of a warranty cover. Is there anything I should specify to an independent repairman?
    How much is the expected fees for this? Is this an issue of replacing a new fan? What fan model is available for

    Maybe things will improve this summer,

Serial Number Check

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